A personal trainer with a student on a machine

Make Your Fitness Personal

Our certified personal trainers will provide you with the motivation, education, guidance, and individualized instruction to achieve your fitness and wellness goals!

Every Florida Atlantic personal trainer is certified with a nationally recognized association. Our trainers stay up-to-date with current trends and research through staff in-services, and continuing education opportunities such as attending workshops and seminars, and reading journal periodicals.

Book a free 1 hour Training session today!

How to Purchase

  1. Purchase your Training Sessions online here, or at the front desk of the Recreation & Fitness Center (Bldg. 91).
  2. Fill out your New Client Packet online within 48 hours after purchase in order to be matched with a Personal Trainer.


Package Options

We have 3 different types of packages to choose from to fit your fitness needs:

Student Pricing

  5 Sessions 10 Sessions 15 Sessions 20 Sessions
30 minute $130 $220 $285 $365
60 minute $170 $300 $410 $535
Group (2-3 ppl) $270 $510 $720 $920

Member Pricing

  5 Sessions 10 Sessions 15 Sessions 20 Sessions
30 minute $160 $300 $405 $525
60 minute $210 $380 $525 $690
Group (2-3 ppl) $310 $600 $870 $1,100

Non-Member Pricing

  5 Sessions 10 Sessions 15 Sessions 20 Sessions
30 minute $230 $435 $600 $790
60 minute $275 $510 $720 $955
Group (2-3 ppl) $420 $760 $1,050 $1,370


Meet Our Trainers

Trainers for the Department of Campus Recreation hold nationally accredited certifications so you can be confident in who you hire. 

Adolfo Artigas
Name: Adolfo Artigas
Hometown: Bronx, New York
Training Style: General Fitness and Hypertrophy Training
Fav. Exercise: Boxing

Fitness Philosophy: "Everybody wants to be the best version of themselves. One small step can go a long way. All I ask is you try, and we'll get there."


Kayla Behmardi
Name: Kayla Behmardi
Hometown: Parkland, FL
Training Style: General Fitness
Fav. Exercise: Kickboxing

Fitness Philosophy: "Keep on Truckin'! What is hard will soon be easy with persistence."


Natalia Bonar
Name: Natalia Bonar
Hometown: Coral Springs, FL
Training Style: Strength and Conditioning
Fav. Exercise: Kickboxing and Bench Press

Fitness Philosophy: "Take challenges one step at a time, build up your stars, and look back at the universe you create along the way."


Gabriel Cirillo
Name: Gabriel Cirillo
Hometown: Boynton Beach, FL
Training Style: Muscular Endurance & Athletic Performance
Fav. Exercise: Volleyball

Fitness Philosophy: "Humans are designed to move."


Patrick Franzino
Name: Patrick Franzino
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
Training Style: General Fitness, Athletic Performance
Fav. Exercise: Kickboxing

Fitness Philosophy: "I believe that fitness has a place in everyone’s routine, and can improve all aspects of life."


Katie Bowman
Name: Katie Bowman
Hometown: Ocean City, NJ
Class Formats: General Fitness, Hypertrophy & Strength 
Fav. Exercise: Paddle Boarding, Biking and Weightlifting

Fitness Philosophy: "Find a way to exercise that is fun and enjoyable for you. It does not matter what exercise you choose, just get your body moving!"


Sebastián González
Name: Sebastián González
Hometown: Santiago de Chile
Training Style: General fitness, weight loss, muscle hypertrophy and muscle strength.
Fav. Exercise:  Bench press, deadlift and bicep curls

Fitness Philosophy: "We are what we do repeatedly, success is not in merit but in habit."


Alex Hamaide
Name: Alex Hamaide
Hometown: Weston, FL/Fontainebleau, FR
Training Style: Hypertrophy, General Fitness, Weight-loss
Fav. Exercise: Barbell Bicep Curl

Fitness Philosophy: "Everyday is a great day to get better."


Josh Joachim
Name: Josh Joachim
Hometown: Pembroke Pines, FL
Training Style: Muscular Strength/Hypertrophy
Fav. Exercise: Football

Fitness Philosophy: "I lift heavy circles"


Josh Joachim
Name: Starlette "Star" Joseph
Hometown: Pembroke Pines, FL
Training Style: General Fitness
Fav. Exercise: Romanian Deadlifts

Fitness Philosophy: The body is a powerful force. Nothing is impossible. With a good mindset, time, and work your body will thank you for being determined.


Abigail Wood
Name: Abigail Wood
Hometown: Santa Rosa Beach, Florida
Training Style: General Fitness and Hypertrophy 
Fav. Exercise: Shoulder Press and Famer's Carries

Fitness Philosophy: You are stronger than you think


Ethan Garcia
Name: Kerensky Metayer (Chery)
Hometown: Miami, FL
Training Style: Hypertrophy, Strength training, Athletic Performance, and Weight loss.
Fav. Exercise: Bench Press, pull-ups, and boxing.

Fitness Philosophy: “The body achieves what the mind believes.”


Ethan Garcia
Name: Ethan Garcia
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Training Style: Hypertrophy, General Fitness
Fav. Exercise: Lat Pulldowns

Fitness Philosophy: It's not about putting in the work when you want to or enjoy it, it's about doing it when it's the last thing you want to do.


Drew Page
Name: Drew Page
Hometown: Boca Raton, FL
Training Style: Hypertrophy, Strength training
Fav. Exercise: Lateral Raises 

Fitness Philosophy: "When your commitment is greater than your feelings, that's when you see results."


Laelani Perez
Name: Laelani Perez
Hometown: Miramar, FL
Training Style: General Fitness, Hypertrophy, Strength
Fav. Exercise: Bench Press

Fitness Philosophy: "You are only as strong as your mindset."


Joseph Sestito III
Name: Joseph Sestito
Hometown: Boca Raton, FL
Training Style: Hypertrophy, Weight Loss, Strength, General Fitness
Fav. Exercise: Plank

Fitness Philosophy: "As someone who has lost a lot of weight myself, I understand the dedication and discipline required to commit to improving your health and wellbeing. I will tailor my exercise programs to my client's individual needs and goals, as well as instilling in them the same passion I have for physical fitness by making our sessions enjoyable and productive."


Angelika Zapart
Name: Angelika Zapart
Hometown: New Lenox, IL
Training Style: General fitness, Weight loss, Strength training
Fav. Exercise: Hip thrusts & Lat pulldown

Fitness Philosophy:"Everyone starts somewhere, so why not start today?"


Frequently Asked Questions

May I request a specific Personal Trainer?
Students and Rec Members may request a specific Personal Trainer; however, we cannot guarantee an exact match.  The personal training staff will do its best to pair trainers and clients appropriately based on goals, availability and client preference.
May I purchase a Personal Training package without being a student or Rec Member?
YES! Please review our Non-Member pricing above. Be sure to select the appropriate option if  checking out online  (You will want to select a package that is labeled: “Community Member, Household Adult, Alumni”). Remember: purchasing a Recreation Center Membership may benefit you in the long run, with reduce Personal Training prices and full access to our facilities outside of your scheduled training sessions. For additional information about Memberships to the Recreation & Fitness Center, please contact the Membership Office at  or 561-297-4512.
May I upgrade my Personal Training package after I have already started sessions with my trainer?
A client may choose to “upgrade” his or her personal training package at any point prior to using 50% of the sessions purchased.  At this point, the client will pay the difference between the original and upgraded package.  After using 50% of the sessions purchased, a client must complete the initial package prior to purchasing additional sessions. 
How many times per week do I meet with my trainer?
Personal Trainers will make recommendations to clients based on goals and time constraints; however, it is ultimately up to the client to decide how many times per week to meet.  Training schedules are typically discussed between the trainer and client during the initial consultation before the first training session.
If I graduate or move, will I be reimbursed for unused sessions?
All Personal Training packages are non-refundable and non-transferable.  Clients will not be reimbursed for unused sessions. Sessions will expire 12 months after purchase date.
What happens if I miss a scheduled session with my personal trainer?
If a trainer is not notified at least 24 hours in advance to cancel or reschedule a session, the session will count against the client’s package.