David Landsman-Wohlsifer, PhD, LCSW



David Landsman-Wohlsifer, PhD, LCSW

Sandler School of Social Work

Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road, SO 306B
Boca Raton, FL 33431


Dr. David Landsman-Wohlsifer, earned his MSW at the University of Pennsylvania, his Master’s of Healthcare Administration (MHA) from St. Joseph’s University, and his PhD in Human Sexuality from the Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. Dr. Landsman-Wohlsifer did his postgraduate work at the University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine’s Center for Cognitive Therapy where after completion he retained a position as a psychotherapist and clinical educator, for several years. Dr. Landsman-Wohlsifer is an LCSW (FL, NY, PA and WA) and FL and AASECT certified sex therapist, EMDR Certified Therapist, and has nearly 30 years of experience in clinical practice. His areas of clinical practice include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Play Therapy, Couples/Family Therapy, Substance Abuse, and Sex Therapy. He has published in the areas of family and couples therapy as well as sex therapy and multiculturally competent practice. At FAU he teaches CBT, Social Work & Human Sexuality, Play Therapy, as well as some of the required core courses, and the LCSW examination prep course.

Prior to coming to FAU Dr. Landsman-Wohlsifer was awarded an excellence in teaching award for part time faculty from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy and Practice. He is a Diplomate of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, Certified Sex Therapist and member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), member of NASW and the American Family Therapy Academy (AFTA).