Transient PART 1 Instructions

  1. Transient Course Request (Part 1) - Login
    1. Click here to login -
    2. Log in using your FAUNetID and password (the ones you use to log into MyFAU). Be sure to save this link for later use.
  2. Submit a New Request
    1. Click Create/Review Request at the top left corner of the screen.
    2. Select the following information from the drop-down menus:
      • School: This is the school you would like to attend as a transient student
      • Semester: This is the semester in which you would like to be a transient student
    3. Add your course(s). To add a course, click on Add Course.
    4.  Enter the following information:
      • Prefix: Use your mouse and click under the Prefix column and enter the prefix of the course you are requesting. For example, if you want to take ENC1101, ENC is the prefix.
      • Course Number: From the example above, this would be 1101.
      • Credit Hours: The number of credit hours of the course.
      • Justification: From the options given, the reason you are requesting to take transient work.
      • Comments: Any additional comments you would like to include.
    5.  Once finished adding courses, click Submit for Approval.
      • Once you submit, you can edit your pending request if needed.
      • If you edit your request be sure to click Submit for Approval to resubmit your request.
    6. To view your request(s), both Pending and Completed, click My Request at the top left corner of the screen. Double click the school name in the Requests box to see the Approval status of your completed request(s).
  3. Once your request is Completed (Completed does not mean approved)
    1. Log back into the system:
    2. Click My Request at the menu at the top of the screen.
    3. Double click the school name in the Request Box to see the details of your Completed request(s).
      • Green Checkmark: Go to PART II (FloridaShines)
      • Red X: Contact your academic advisor to discuss additional options. You can edit your request (click Edit Request) if needed. Be sure to click Submit for Approval to resubmit your request.