Parent Support Group

Parent Social Cafecito
Join us for our monthly Virtual Parent Social Cafecito! This is a welcoming space where we’ll explore various topics about autism and connect with fellow parents who understand your journey. It's a chance to gain valuable insights, share experiences, and most importantly, enjoy a bit of fun together. We look forward to seeing you there!
Sabrina DeGoais
Cafecito Social Para Padres
Los invito a todos a participar en nuestro Cafecito Social Para Padres virtual. Nos reuniremos una vez al mes y revisaremos diferentes temas sobre el autismo. Es una oportunidad para que los padres conozcan a otros padres que puedan relacionarse con usted, recibir informacion sobre temas y, lo mas importante, para que todos se diviertan!
Sabrina DeGoais

Haitian Creole Support Group
Welcome to Nou Konprann Otis, where our mission is to provide support and resources to families within the Haitian community a ected by autism. We o er culturally aware assistance and community education to empower parents to become e ective advocates for their children throughout their developmental journey. Our team includes Jefrey Lucas, a compassionate Clinical Associate fluent in Haitian Creole, and Rose Medgine Dubois, MD, MS, BCBA, a seasoned Board-Certi ed Behavior Analyst. We're committed to providing personalized support and empathy, helping you navigate the challenges of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). You're not alone—let's walk this path together Last Thursday of every month
Jefrey Lucas
Gwoup Sipò Kreyòl Ayisyen
Byenvini nan Nou Konprann Otis, kote misyon nou se bay sipò ak resous bay fanmi nan kominote ayisyen an ki afekte nan otis. Nou ofri asistans kiltirèl ak edikasyon kominotè pou pèmèt paran yo vin yon defansè efikas pou pitit yo pandan tout vwayaj devlopman yo. Ekip nou an gen ladann Jeffrey Lucas, yon Asosye Klinik ki gen konpasyon ki pale kreyòl ayisyen an, ak Rose Medgine Dubois, MD, MS, BCBA, yon analis konpòtman expérimenté ki sètifye nan Konsèy Administrasyon an. Nou pran angajman pou bay sipò pèsonalize ak senpati, ede w navige defi yo nan maladi otis spectre (ASD). Ou pa poukont ou—ann mache chemen sa a ansanm. Dènye jedi chak mwa
Kontakte nou:
Jefrey Lucas